Janet Nash
I spent my entire career working in the Motor Industry, mainly for BMW at their head office in a number of roles but, prior to retirement, as Project Manager in the electric car department. My career was challenging and demanding but I loved every minute.
My introduction to carving came in 1991 when I came across a lovely gentleman called Jim Pearce (you may have one or more of his books in your collection), at a local craft event. I was fascinated by his display of carved birds and when he said that he was running a Summer School at Missenden Abbey in the next couple of months, I was hooked. Over the course of a week, we carved a textured and painted scaup which I still have, not because it was a brilliant piece of carving, but to remind me how much I have learnt over the intervening years. So it was Jim Pearce who introduced me to the BDWCA and I've been a member for over 30 years, much of that time serving as a committee member. I am currently the Secretary but had held posts of Treasurer and Membership Secretary, before Maggie Port and Julie Toher took over those roles."