These links are provided for your convenience to provide information of interest. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content or security of the linked website(s).
Carving Tools and Supplies
Jo Sonja's UK
The UK online shop for the Jo Sonja's range of Acrylic Paints and Mediums
Woodart Products
Micromotors,Cutters and Burrs. Pyrography machines, Tips and other Accessories.
Members' Websites
Derek Richards, Traditional Decoy Carver
International Carvers' Websites
YouTube Reference Videos
Laurie J McNeil
A collection of wildfowl carving documentorials, demonstrations, and product reviews related to wildfowl carving.
Reference Materials etc.
Javier Blasco Zumeta
Bird Identification Atlas of Aragón
Courses, Tutorials
Bob teaches Pyrography from his home in Aston on Trent, Derbyshire, and other craft course locations.